With the purpose to assure, as far as possible, the prevention of commission of crimes present in the Legislative Decree 231/2001 (as integrated and modified), the Omya Spa Board of Directors has approved, in date March 26 th 2009, the "Organizational Model" of Omya Spa according to the same D.Lgs. 231/2001.
Besides, such Model includes and disciplines:
- the Ethical Code of Omya Spa
- the Ispection Committee ex D. Lgs. 231/2001
- the disciplinary code for employees, collaborators and partners of Omya Spa
- the integration of the Quality, Environment and Safety management system
Particularly, the Ethical Code contains the indication of the principles to which must conform the behaviors of the employees, executives, administrators, contractors, collaborators, suppliers, customers and, in general, of all those people that come into contact with Omya Spa.
A proper Inspection Committee has the assignment to watch over on the operation and the observance of the Model and to take care of its relative updating.
To the spection Committee of Omya Spa can be request further information by e-mail to the address:
Instead for any reports of violations of Model 231 or the Code of Ethics, the designated channels are:
1. By e-mail to
2. Through Omya's Integrity Line platform
3. Through a face-to-face meeting at the request of the reporter.
Organizational Model adopted by Omya S.p.A according to the D.Lgs. 231/2001
Ethical Code of Omya S.p.A