
The most reactive milk of lime on the market, tailored for water softening processes and final pH adjustment.

Blue gradient

Replace sodium hydroxide with high purity Omyalime 

Omyalime is a high purity, highly reactive milk of lime used to increase the pH of the final drinking water. It is a cost effective, natural replacement for sodium hydroxide to be dosed directly into the final water stream. This neutralizes the free carbon dioxide in the water and increases the levels of calcium bicarbonate in the water. 

The benefits of Omyalime 

  • Technical and economic optimization of water softening operations 

  • Produced from ultra-pure quicklime 

  • The most reactive milk of lime on the market 

  • Long term stability reducing operational maintenance  

  • KIWA certified 

Not all products are registered for use in all markets. Check with your local Omya representative or email for more information.

Your questions answered

Omyalime is more reactive than any other milk of lime on the market, both in absolute reactivity value and in the stability of its performance over time. This is because of its high purity raw materials and specific manufacturing process.

The advanced technology used to create Omyalime allows water softening operations to be optimized, especially in the way lime is handled in fast decarbonization. It offers a highly efficient, cost-effective solution for water softening processes.

Omyalime is KIWA certified, allowing it to be used in numerous countries for drinking water production. 

Omyalime has excellent sedimentation stability with little-to-no sedimentation over long term storage. Due to its shear-thinning properties, we recommend that Omyalime is stored in a stirred environment, to decrease the overall viscosity before dosage.  

Water treatment consultancies

We offer technical support to customers, from the assessment of site-specific issues to the recommendation and implementation of proven solutions.

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