Omyasmart Technology

Mineral solutions for water-based products.

Omyasmart key visual

Omyasmart Technology – the soft solution for environmental friendly water-based products

Our multifunctional neutralizing agents combine elevated pH value, pH buffering, and salt technology to offer a three-pronged approach for improving the long-term stability of your water-based systems. 


This is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by all UN member states in 2015, which are laying down the most important principles on how to preserve our planet and develop our society.

Woman painting wall

Omyasmart  Next Generation

Omyasmart Next Generation (OSNG), now available in Europe, Asia Pacific and Latin America, satisfies the request for a lithium-free product with better viscosity behavior in acrylic based paints.

Products containing OSNG save time, effort, and unnecessary work required for reformulation because they are not currently subject to CLP/GHS regulation changes.


Benefits of Omyasmart Next Generation

  • Allows for biocide-free formulations

  • Contains no CMR substances

  • No hazardous labelling of your products 

  • Longevity due to pH and salt control

  • Suitable for allergy sufferers

  • Odorless and without discoloration

  • Compliance with the criteria for awarding the most important Eco labels 

Omyasmart  Zero & Omyasmart One – Our neutralizing agents for water-based products

pH adjuster and pH stabilizer - two parameters which improve your product properties. pH and salt content are physical parameters known to support longevity. 

Construction worker with trowel plastering a wall; Shutterstock ID 600208748

Benefits of Omyasmart  Zero & Omyasmart One

  • pH stabilization
  • No discoloration
  • Zero VOC and emissions to the indoor air 

  • Odorless

  • Non-corrosive 

  • Non-allergenic

  • Solvent-free

  • Long-term stability of your products  

Availability of Omyasmart Technology

RegionOmyasmart NGOmyasmart ZeroOmyasmart One
North America  
Latin America  
Asia Pacific* 

*Except Korea

Advanced well-being and less hazardous solution for water-based products with Omyasmart Technology

Omyasmart Technology is valuable to companies that are looking to take further steps to protect their employees and their health. Furthermore, they also want to offer their customers health-friendly products.    


Water-based products require a high pH value or additives to ensure longevity. Existing neutralizing agents on the market are highly caustic and skin-sensitizing which demands increased safety precautions. They are often corrosive and attack surfaces. 

House painter pouring green wall paint into tray; Shutterstock ID 704928292; purchase_order: CON; job: ; client: ; other:

Stable over the years thanks to excellent pH buffering effect

Other additives tend to have unpleasant odors or contain VOCs. Biocides are also still used to extend durability but are increasingly being formulated out due to significant health hazards such as skin irritation and the associated hazardous substance labelling and classification. 


With Omyasmart technology, you can achieve a moderately high pH value and keep your water-based product stable over a long period of time due to its excellent pH buffering effect.

African father and his son sitting on floor and looking up in a blank wall. Happy dad and little boy sitting in an empty room. Young black man with his child thinking and pensive with copy space.; Shutterstock ID 692844577

Omyasmart and the labelling standards

Our products are odorless, VOC and SVOC-free, and meet Ecolabel requirements in Europe and other strict regional labelling standards such as the Thai Green Ecolabel in Asia.

Young couple painting a wall

The benefits of Omyasmart Technology

Omyasmart is the brand name embodying the technology developed for stabilization of water-based applications.


Omyasmart increases the durability due to the pH stabilizing properties and the extraordinary buffer effect. The Omyasmart technology reduces negative impact on human health and the environment at the same time.

Omyasmart - multifunctional agents  for a wide range of industrial applications 

  • Paints
  • Pigments 
  • Joint Fillers
  • Plasters 
  • Polymer Emulsions
  • Adhesives & Sealants 

Omyasmart Technology for hygiene coatings

We are pleased to inform you that our multifunctional neutralizing agent Omyasmart Zero (OSZ) can also be applied in hygiene coatings.


The extraordinary pH buffer effect in the alkaline pH range helps meet the special requirements for painted walls in public areas, such as hospitals, schools, offices or restaurants.

pH buffer effect of Zinc Oxide (ZnO)

Learn about the extraordinary inorganic pH-buffer system of ZnO and its synergy with alkali-based substances in our latest publication.


In this work, we investigated the pH buffer performance in closed and open systems by mathematical simulations compared to results from lab experiments, in order to reproduce the requirements of the paint industry.


The results clearly confirm that ZnO is an effective buffer that supports the action of useful alkali based substances like carbonates.

Introducing Omyasmart Technology

  • Omyasmart Technology | Omya in Construction

    Omyasmart Technology | Omya in Construction
  • Multifunctional Neutralizing Agent

    The Innovative and Sustainable Solution with Omyasmart as Multifunctional Neutralizing Agent to a Limited Choice of Biocides | SpecialChem webinar

Download our related documents

 Read more about the Omyasmart products and its benefits.


Technical support

Omya has a highly experienced technical services team which supports customers throughout the process of product development.


With technical laboratories at our headquarters and dedicated regional technical service hubs in different regions, Omya offers laboratory analysis, reformulation support, and implementation assistance to customers worldwide.

Talk to an expert_Portrait-Fabian-Doering.png

A trusted partner for global distribution 

Omya partners with leading manufacturers of specialty materials to offer a full portfolio of pigments, binders and additives to customers worldwide. 


We distribute engineered materials as well as specialty ingredients, supporting customers with technical advice and application development.

Transportation, import-export and logistics concept, container truck, ship in port and freight cargo plane in transport and import-export commercial logistic, shipping business industry ; Shutterstock ID 787724593; purchase_order: POL; job: Kshow; client: ; other:

Omya Flex for customized optimization

Omya Flex is a customizable, made-to-order product handling solution designed to match the specific requirements of a wide selection of Omya products. We simplify product delivery and storage by offering on-site slurrying services, vertical and horizontal silos, and other options. Omya Flex offers the advantage of eliminating the requirement for fixed anchoring and permanent foundations. This results in saving time, money, and space in terms of silo delivery, building permit acquisition, and commissioning.

Construction site